SANTA ANA, Calif. – Los sitios ligados a la historia y cultura latina están subrepresentados en la lista de los lugares históricos, según un nuevo reporte de la Hispanic Access Foundation. El estudio, llamado “Lugar, Historia y Cultura”, identifica siete sitios que merecen más reconocimiento y protección, incluídos tres...
SANTA ANA, Calif. — Sites tied to Latino history and culture are underrepresented on the list of historic places, according to a new report from the Hispanic Access Foundation. The study, called “Place, Story and Culture,” identifies seven sites it said deserve more recognition and protection, including three in California. Norma...
Riad, Arabia Saudita – El Gobierno saudí expedirá por primera vez visas de turismo, en una medida que será aplicable a 49 países, y que forma parte de las reformas que llevan adelante las autoridades para modernizar el país. El presidente del Consejo de directores de la Comisión Saudí...
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – The Saudi Government will issue tourism visas for the first time, in a measure that will be applicable to 49 countries, and that is part of the reforms that are being carried out by the authorities to modernize the country. The chairman of the Board...
Jose Antonio Torres EFE Mexico City – A railroad that runs 1,500 kilometers (930 miles) around the most important archaeological centers of Mexico’s Mayan culture and that will cost at the very least $6.259 billion (120 billion pesos) is a project of the incoming government that could crown years...
FITUES Baja California Sur has a Magic Town that is unique because of the mystical cuisine, touristic and cultural environment around it. Wandering through the picturesque cobbled streets, participating on artistic events and its closeness to the Pacific Ocean make it a unique location in the middle of the...