Across the country, fall is synonymous with the new school year: sharpened pencils, new bento-style lunch boxes and, for many, the return of the iconic yellow school bus. Only this year, millions of students will be transported by yellow school buses that are electric. This change was several years in...
Marisa Kendall CalMatters Nuevos datos muestran que casi 186,000 personas viven ahora en las calles y en refugios para personas sin hogar en California, lo que demuestra que la crisis sigue creciendo a pesar de los crecientes esfuerzos estatales y locales para detener la marea. Eso es según un...
Marisa Kendall CalMatters New data shows nearly 186,000 people now live on the streets and in homeless shelters in California, proving the crisis continues to grow despite increasing state and local efforts to stem the tide. That’s according to an exclusive CalMatters analysis of the latest results of the point-in-time...
Family Features Un buen cuidado de la piel no tiene por qué significar rutinas intensivas o cremas humectantes costosas; puede ser tan fácil como adoptar hábitos cotidianos que nutran la piel desde el interior. Mantener su piel sana y brillante comienza con protegerla de los dañinos rayos ultravioleta (UV)...
Family Features Good skin care doesn’t have to mean intensive routines or expensive moisturizers – it can be as easy as adopting everyday habits that nurture your skin from the inside out. Keeping your skin healthy and glowing begins with protecting it from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays and eating...
Ryan Sabalow CalMatters Si la asambleísta demócrata Wendy Carrillo hubiera escuchado los consejos habituales de los consultores de campaña, no habría dicho mucho después de chocar su auto mientras conducía ebria el otoño pasado. Podría haber emitido una disculpa por escrito y luego evitar hablar sobre su DUI, con la esperanza...
Ryan Sabalow CalMatters If Democratic Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo had listened to the standard advice from campaign consultants, she wouldn’t have said much after crashing her car while driving drunk last fall. She might have issued a written apology and then avoided speaking about her DUI, in the hopes that voters would...
El jugador profesional de béisbol JD Martínez presenta un mayor riesgo de neumonía neumocócica porque tiene asma y no quiere dejar que eso decida si va a seguir jugando, o no. Por si no está familiarizado con ella, la neumonía neumocócica es una enfermedad pulmonar bacteriana potencialmente grave que...
Professional baseball player JD Martinez is at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia because he has asthma, and he doesn’t want to let it stop him from taking his shot on – or off – the field. If you’re not familiar with it, pneumococcal pneumonia is a potentially serious bacterial...