Se espera que la Corte Suprema se pronuncie en cualquier momento sobre dos casos que podrían permitir a los jueces anular más fácilmente a las agencias federales, lo que podría tener grandes implicaciones para la protección del medio ambiente, los consumidores y la salud pública. Los dos casos apuntan a revocar...
The Supreme Court is expected to rule any day now on two cases that could allow judges to more easily overrule federal agencies, which could have big implications for environmental, consumer and public health protections. The two cases — Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and Relentless Inc. v. the Department of Commerce —...
Nakia Cooper Ethnic Media Services Todos los ojos estarán puestos en el Capitolio durante los próximos días mientras los legisladores sopesan los pros y los contras de H.R. 7109, un proyecto de ley controvertido que, según muchos, podría afectar negativamente el futuro de la representación y la integridad del...
Nakia Cooper Ethnic Media Services All eyes are on Capitol Hill over the coming days as lawmakers weigh the pros and cons of H.R. 7109, a controversial bill that many say could negatively impact the future of representation and census integrity nationwide. H.R. 7109, dubbed The Equal Representation Act,...
Wendy Fry CalMatters Mientras California lidia con la cantidad de fondos estatales que debería gastar en ayuda humanitaria a los migrantes en su frontera sur, el gobierno federal de Estados Unidos está invirtiendo dinero en ampliar sus ya amplias capacidades de vigilancia. La Oficina de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza...
Wendy Fry CalMatters As California grapples with how much in state funds it should be spending on migrant humanitarian aid at its southern border, the U.S. federal government is pouring money into expanding its already extensive surveillance capabilities there. U.S. Customs and Border Protection plans to spend about $67.8 million acquiring...
So, you made a New Year’s resolution to add more better-for-you foods into your daily routine – but have you figured out what those new foods are going to be yet? One of the biggest challenges with improving eating habits is finding great options that you enjoy – this...
Cuando Christopher McGeever tenía 22 años, ya no podía acceder a los servicios educativos disponibles para él y necesitaba inscribirse en otro programa para adultos con discapacidades. Hay varios centros de cuidado diurno en la comunidad de San José donde vive. Pero cuando su madre, Laura, llamó para inscribirlo,...
When Christopher McGeever was 22, he aged out of the educational services available to him and needed to enroll in another program for adults with disabilities. There are several daytime caregiving facilities in the San Jose community where he lives. But when his mother, Laura, called to enroll him,...