Suzanne Potter California News Service Enero es el Mes de la Prevención de la Trata de Personas, y el FBI dice que la sextorsión por motivos económicos — a menudo dirigida a niños adolescentes — aumentó un 20% entre octubre de 2022 y marzo de 2023 en comparación con...
Suzanne Potter California News Service January is Human Trafficking Prevention Month, and the FBI says financially motivated sextortion — often targeting teen boys — went up 20% from October 2022 to March 2023 compared to the same period the year before. Scammers will pose as an attractive girl on social media...
Over the next couple of weeks, kids across the country will head back to school. Addiction specialists say now is a good time for parents to address any concerning behavior in their child’s online habits. Internet addiction is not formally recognized yet in a key reference tool from the American...
Julia Tong AsAm News/Ethnic Media Services When Angela Kim first fell in love at 16, teen dating violence was the last thing on her mind. Her boyfriend showered her with love, and she was infatuated with their whirlwind romance. But then, she recalls, things suddenly started to change: Insults,...
Peter White Ethnic Media Services Young people are coming of age without knowing how to create a loving relationship or what the warning signs are that maybe they’re not in a good one. So says Ana Campos, 17, who was blinded by “fake love” and thought everything was fine....
Adolescentes de Calfornia entre 12-15 años han podido vacunarse contra el COVID desde el 13 de Mayo, pero el estar vacunado no será requerido para asistir a escuelas públicas K-12 del estado, dijo el Secretario del California Health and Human Services, Dr. Mark Ghaly en rueda de prensa. El...
California teens ages 12-15 have been able to get vaccinated for Covid as of May 13, but getting the shot will not be required for attending K-12 public schools in the state, said California Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly at a press briefing. The announcement allows...
NATALIA E. PANE Child Trends Youth have healthier behaviors today than they did 25 years ago, according to new data from the Youth Behavior Surveillance Survey. This data set, which has been released biannually for more than 25 years, is one of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s...
Andrea Sears Public News Service BOSTON – A new study from the Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center says raising the minimum wage has little impact on teen unemployment, but can have a big impact on teens and their families. On Monday, 18 states saw their minimum wages increase, but Massachusetts wasn’t...