Marisa Kendall CalMatters Durante años, el sendero del río Guadalupe, un sendero sinuoso que serpentea por el corazón del centro de San José, había sido el hogar de cientos de personas que vivían en tiendas de campaña y chozas improvisadas. En los últimos meses, muchos han desaparecido como parte...
Marisa Kendall CalMatters For years, the Guadalupe River Trail — a winding path that snakes through the heart of downtown San Jose — had been home to hundreds of people living in tents and make-shift shacks. In recent months, many have vanished as part of a $750 million-push by...
Cigarettes may not appeal to America’s youth like they did in the 1960s, but a significant number still experiment with e-cigarettes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has new data that show the use of e-cigarettes by high school students declined in the past year, but rose among middle schoolers....
New data show that a Los Angeles County program to help people reintegrate into society after incarceration is significantly reducing crime – a program funded by Proposition 47. A new report on the Re-entry Intensive Case Management Services program, or RICMS, finds a 17% reduction in recidivism – a big improvement...
Los colegios comunitarios rurales enfrentan muchos desafíos, pero muchos han convertido la determinación en innovación, con las mejores prácticas mostradas en un nuevo informe del Instituto Aspen. Los investigadores destacaron los esfuerzos en dos colegios comunitarios rurales de California. Kate Mahar, vicepresidenta asociada de innovación e iniciativas estratégicas de...
Rural community colleges face a lot of challenges, but many have turned determination into innovation, with best practices showcased in a new report from the Aspen Institute. Researchers singled out efforts at two rural California community colleges. Kate Mahar, associate vice president of innovation and strategic initiatives at Shasta College explained...
Los trabajadores hispanos y latinos tienen altas tasas de empleo en los EE. UU., pero continúan experimentando una escasez de trabajos que paguen lo suficiente como para ascenderlos a la clase media, según dice un nuevo estudio. La investigadora del Centro para el Progreso Americano, Jessica Vela, dice que Estados...
Hispanic and Latino workers have high employment rates in the U.S. but continue to experience a shortage of jobs paying enough to lift them into the middle class, according to a new study. Jessica Vela, research assistant in tax and budget policy at the Center for American Progress, said America...