A los niños de California les está yendo bien – la gran mayoría tiene seguro médico y acceso a un kindergarten de transición – pero el estado está muy atrasado en muchas otras métricas. La organización sin fines de lucro Children Now analizó los datos y le dio al...
California’s children are doing well – the vast majority have health insurance and access to transitional kindergarten – but the state is far behind in many other metrics. The nonprofit Children Now analyzed the data, and gave the Golden State a C-minus or below in 15 out of 33 categories....
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services Aunque el acoso parece una parte casi inevitable de la mayoría de edad, sus impactos pueden durar años. En una sesión informativa de EMS del viernes 27 de octubre, líderes comunitarios de los campus escolares de California compartieron cómo el acoso puede incubar culturas...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services Though bullying seems a nearly inevitable part of coming of age, its impacts can last years. At a Fri., Oct 27 EMS briefing, community leaders across California school campuses shared how bullying can incubate cultures of hate at a time of rising racial tensions;...
Marisa Kendall CalMatters Losing income is the No. 1 reason Californians end up homeless – and the vast majority of them say a subsidy of as little as $300 a month could have kept them off the streets. That’s according to a new study out of UC San Francisco...
This winter, volunteers counted more than 335,000 Western monarch butterflies in an annual survey, a big improvement over the last few years, but still far short of historical numbers. Observers only counted 2,000 of the iconic black-and-orange butterflies in 2020, and then 250,000 in 2021. Rebeca Quinonez-Pinon, senior manager of...
When a nonprofit food center in the desert Southwest began a project to chronicle challenges of land and water access combined with climate change, they didn’t know COVID-19 was on the way – which demonstrated unexpected resiliency. The pandemic turned La Semilla Food Center’s storytelling project into a virtual event, but...