Los líderes demócratas en la Cámara y el Senado de Estados Unidos reintrodujeron la Ley de Vivienda para Todos, que destinaría alrededor de $100 mil millones en 10 años a resolver la crisis de las personas sin hogar. El proyecto de ley financiaría programas federales para construir viviendas asequibles...
Democratic leaders in the U.S. House and Senate reintroduced the Housing for All Act, which would put about $100 billion over 10 years toward solving the crisis of people experiencing homelessness. The bill would fund federal programs to build affordable housing and provide emergency shelter. Sen. Alex Padilla, D-Calif., who...
Marisa Kendall CalMatters En todo California, las ciudades se están quedando cortas cuando se trata de proporcionar suficiente refugio para sus comunidades de personas sin hogar. Más de 69,000 residentes sin hogar viven en el condado de Los Ángeles, por ejemplo, pero ese condado tiene poco más de 21,000...
Marisa Kendall CalMatters All over California, cities are falling far short when it comes to providing enough shelter for their homeless communities. More than 69,000 homeless residents live in Los Angeles County, for instance, but that county has just over 21,000 beds in shelters and temporary housing programs. It’s...
LOS ANGELES — Un nuevo programa tiene como objetivo ayudar al staff de refugios de gente sin hogar a brindar una mejor atención a sus clientes LGBTQ+. Expertos del Equality California Institute han impartido capacitaciones LGBTQ+ en diversidad, equidad e inclusión a profesionales de la medicina por seis años....
LOS ANGELES — A new program aims to help staff at homeless shelters better care for their LGBTQ+ clients. Experts from the Equality California Institute have offered LGBTQ+ diversity, equity and inclusion training to medical professionals for six years. But now, they’ve expanded to include the staffs of programs that serve...
Oakland, CA – Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf is requesting the Council approve an innovative proposal to open the city’s first outdoor navigation center that will move people from encampments into temporary shelter as they await permanent housing. The site – the first of possibly three in Oakland – will provide up...
Program expands to shelter 35 homeless families at Arturo Ochoa Migrant Center in Gilroy SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIF. — Each year, the County of Santa Clara’s Cold Weather Shelter Program (CWSP) provides homeless individual and families with a respite from cold and inclement weather from the Monday after Thanksgiving...
Santa Clara County CALIFORNIA Jesús and Rosa López have fostered more than 80 children in Santa Clara County, providing a nurturing home to youth, and mentoring other resource families, especially other Spanish-speaking parents. On Monday the County of Santa Clara Board of Supervisors honored the López family as 2016 Foster...