Jeanne Kuang CalMatters Even with all the industries where Californians went on strike during last year’s “hot labor summer,” some of the most active sites of organizing in the state may well be a pair of private immigration detention centers in the Central Valley. The Mesa Verde and Golden...
Los precios de los alimentos siguen altos en todo el país. Un nuevo informe de la Comisión Federal de Comercio dice que las empresas de comestibles más grandes del país están estafando a los consumidores al mantener los precios artificialmente altos. Muchos tenderos, minoristas y mayoristas se han consolidado...
Food prices remain high across the country. A new report by the Federal Trade Commission says the country’s largest grocery companies are gouging consumers, by keeping prices artificially high. Many grocers, retailers and wholesalers have consolidated to cut costs. Grocers continue to blame supply chain problems, even though regulators have said...
Sunita Sohrabji Ethnic Media Services FRESNO, California — En California se denuncia un número cada vez mayor de delitos de odio, pero las condenas siguen siendo bajas, afirmó el Fiscal General de California, Rob Bonta. En declaraciones a Ethnic Media Services aquí al margen de la cumbre United Against...
Sunita Sohrabji Ethnic Media Services FRESNO, California — An increasing number of hate crimes are being reported in California, but convictions continue to remain low, said California Attorney General Rob Bonta. Speaking to Ethnic Media Services here on the sidelines of the United Against Hate summit at Fresno City...
Ana B. Ibarra CalMatters Dos legisladores de California se enfrentaron públicamente a principios de este mes, tocando un punto sensible en un tema que ha dividido durante mucho tiempo a los funcionarios electos del estado: si se debe ofrecer beneficios de salud subsidiados por el gobierno a los residentes indocumentados y...
Ana B. Ibarra CalMatters Two California lawmakers publicly blew up at each other earlier this month, hitting a nerve on an issue that has long-divided the state’s elected leaders: Whether and how much to offer government-subsidized health benefits to undocumented residents. In one corner, Corona Assemblymember Bill Essayli declared that he wanted...
Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, the sole Palestinian-American voice in Congress, was officially reprimanded last Tuesday, but many of her colleagues say she will not stop fighting for peace. A 234 to 188 vote of nearly all Republicans and enough Democrats sealed Tlaib’s censure, a punishment proposed by Republican Congressman Rich...
Grace Gedye CalMatters Un fallo judicial reciente que favoreció a las empresas de trabajos temporales, como Uber, Instacart y Lyft, entre otros, puede tener un resquicio de esperanza para los grupos pro-laborales. El lunes pasado, un tribunal de apelaciones de California dictaminó que la Proposición 22, una medida electoral...