
  • Thousands of clean air school buses in CA hit the road this semester

    Across the country, fall is synonymous with the new school year: sharpened pencils, new bento-style lunch boxes and, for many, the return of the iconic yellow school bus. Only this year, millions of students will be transported by yellow school buses that are electric. This change was several years in...

    AMAZON                    Road House stars Jake Gyllenhaal as Dalton, an ex-UFC fighter trying to escape his dark past and his penchant for violence, in this adrenaline-fueled actioner. Dalton is barely scraping by on the reputation that still precedes him when he...
  • 4 maneras de ayudar a sus hijos adolescentes a estar preparados para conducir

    ¿Recuerda la emoción que sintió al obtener su permiso de circulación y licencia de conducción? Para los adolescentes, conducir equivale a libertad e independencia. Sin embargo, deben comprender que no es solo un privilegio pero también una seria responsabilidad. Es posible que sienta cierta ansiedad por su conductor adolescente,...
  • 4 ways parents can help their young drivers be road ready

    Do you remember the excitement of getting your driver’s permit and license? For teens, driving represents freedom and independence. However, they must understand it’s a privilege with serious responsibilities. You may be feeling some anxiety about your teen driver, but you can help prepare them for this important milestone....
  • Desert Sounds and Joshua Trees

    We took the new Chevy Traverse on the road, and a bit off the road too Arturo Hilario El Observador The Joshua tree is a compelling looking tree that exists in a few unique regions in Southern California around San Bernardino County, as well as parts of Arizona, Nevada...