Jeanne Kuang CalMatters When California lawmakers passed a rent cap four years ago to protect tenants from large and frequent rent hikes, they exempted hundreds of thousands of units reserved for some of the state’s poorest renters. Low-income housing, after all, is usually built with public subsidies that already impose rent...
Ben Christopher CalMatters Las ciudades del interior, incluidas Bakersfield, Fresno, Visalia y Riverside, que alguna vez fueron opciones más baratas que lugares costosos como el Área de la Bahía, ya no son refugios de la crisis de asequibilidad de viviendas de California. Desde el comienzo de la pandemia, el...
Ben Christopher CalMatters Inland cities including Bakersfield, Fresno, Visalia and Riverside — once cheaper options than pricey places such as the Bay Area — are no longer refuges from California’s housing affordability crisis. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the typical asking rent in these former bastions of relative...
Jie Wang owns three rental properties in Oakland. Her whole family relies on income from tenants paying their rent. Many have lost their jobs during the pandemic. Eviction moratoriums protect tenants who can’t pay part or all of their rent. But small housing providers like Wang still have mortgages, utilities and...
Not long after Gladys Garcia obtained a restraining order against her husband last August, letters arrived in her mailbox saying that her ex owed thousands of dollars in unpaid rent and faced possible eviction. The letters from the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles, or HACLA, came...
No mucho después de que Gladys García obtuviera una orden de restricción contra su esposo en agosto pasado, llegaron cartas a su buzón diciendo que su ex debía miles de dólares en renta impaga y enfrentaba un posible desalojo. Las cartas de la Autoridad de Vivienda de la Ciudad...
A medida que se acerca noviembre, millones de estadounidenses se están preparando para la elección más importante de nuestras vidas. Hay mucho en juego, y animo a todos los californianos que puedan a votar a aprovechar esta oportunidad para moldear el futuro de nuestro país. Pero también es un...
As November approaches, millions of Americans are preparing for the most consequential election of our lifetimes. So much is at stake, and I encourage all Californians who can to cast a ballot to take this opportunity to shape the future of our country. But it’s also a time of...
SUNITA SOHRABJI EMS Contributing Editor SAN FRANCISCO — An estimated 28 million renters in the U.S. are facing evictions over the next three months, as states begin lifting their COVID-19 related eviction moratoriums. In April, most U.S. states imposed some manner of lockdown to control the spread of the...