Are you one of the millions of people with student debt? Did you apply for a federal loan and still owe more than the original debt? President Joe Biden this week unveiled a federal plan that, if finalized, will bring relief to millions of people suffering from student debt....
Programs intended to reduce the chances that someone will end up back behind bars are working, according to a new analysis of California state data. A new report finds that people who participated in a social program funded by Proposition 47 had a recidivism rate of 15.3% compared with 35% to...
Mark Hedin Ethnic Media Services La Comisión Federal de Comercio (FTC) tiene una nueva estrategia para combatir el fraude. A partir de este otoño, su Language Access Initiative (Iniciativa de acceso a los idiomas) ofrece intérpretes que pueden recibir reportes de fraude y brindar asesoría en muchos más idiomas...
Los estudiantes universitarios pagan más de $1.100 al año por libros y útiles, por lo que muchas escuelas están trabajando para tratar de reducir esa carga. Un estudio del US Public Interest Research Group encuentra que el costo de los materiales de los cursos ha aumentado a un ritmo de tres...
College students pay upwards of $1,100 a year for books and supplies, so many schools are working to try to reduce the burden. A study from U.S. Public Interest Research Group found the cost of course materials has increased at three times the rate of inflation since the 1970s, due mostly to lack...
New data show that a Los Angeles County program to help people reintegrate into society after incarceration is significantly reducing crime – a program funded by Proposition 47. A new report on the Re-entry Intensive Case Management Services program, or RICMS, finds a 17% reduction in recidivism – a big improvement...
Alejandro Lazo CalMatters California is eliminating its popular electric car rebate program — which often runs out of money and has long waiting lists — to focus on providing subsidies only to lower-income car buyers. The Clean Vehicle Rebate Project, in existence since 2010, will end when it runs out...
Alejandro Lazo CalMatters California está eliminando su popular programa de reembolsos para automóviles eléctricos, que a menudo se queda sin dinero y tiene largas listas de espera, para centrarse en otorgar subsidios sólo a compradores de automóviles de bajos ingresos. El Proyecto de Reembolso para Vehículos Limpios, que existe...
Poverty fell in California during the COVID pandemic, recent data shows, largely due to state and national safety net programs, especially the expansion of federal child tax credits. But a deadline to file for those tax credits expires November 17, prompting advocates in California and a few state lawmakers to sound alarms. “If...