During the Gulf War (1990-1991), George W Bush unleashed the famous military doctrine of “Shock and Awe” to destroy the alleged existential threat of Saddam Hussein. The “shock and awe” strategy is a military doctrine designed to overwhelm an adversary with a display of overwhelming force and power to...
Peter Schurmann Ethnic Media Services SMITH RIVER, Calif. – Alvaro Urrea Olivares tiene una voz suave y agradable. A sus 45 años, sus curtidas manos revelan décadas de trabajo en los campos de lirios que impulsan la economía local en esta pequeña comunidad del extremo norte de California. Smith...
Peter Schurmann Ethnic Media Services SMITH RIVER, Calif. – Alvaro Urrea Olivares is soft-spoken, congenial. At 45, his leathered hands betray decades working the lily fields that are a driver of the local economy in this small community on the extreme northern edge of California. Smith River is not...
Ethnic Media Services Hours after the Supreme Court voted 6-3 to allow Texas border patrol to immediately deport migrants and asylum seekers arriving on the border, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals March 19 issued an order blocking the law’s immediate implementation. The Fifth Circuit is expected to hear...
Wendy Fry CalMatters Como dijo un voluntario, en San Diego se siente volver a “cero” después de que un centro de recepción de migrantes se quedó sin dinero, lo que llevó a los oficiales federales de la Patrulla Fronteriza a comenzar a dejar a cientos de personas en una estación...
Wendy Fry CalMatters As one volunteer said, it feels back to “zero” in San Diego after a migrant reception center ran out of money, leading federal Border Patrol officers to begin dropping off hundreds of people at a trolley station over the weekend. The so-called “street releases” in San...
Justo Robles, Alejandra Reyes-Velarde & Wendy Fry CalMatters Una noche de finales de septiembre, el reverendo Brad Mills se sorprendió al escuchar un golpe en las puertas de su parroquia. Su pequeña iglesia de San Diego no solía recibir visitantes después de las horas de misa. Dos hombres venezolanos...
Justo Robles, Alejandra Reyes-Velarde & Wendy Fry CalMatters On a late September night, Rev. Brad Mills was surprised by the sound of knocking on his parish doors. His small San Diego church didn’t usually receive visitors past mass hours. Two Venezuelan men at the door said they needed help...
It makes sense that Thanksgiving is the primary non-religious holiday in the United States, a nation of migrants. The celebration immortalizes the gratitude that English settlers made for the generosity of the Wampanoag tribe during three days of, and probably very cold, festivities that would have taken place at...