On Tuesday, the state of Utah announced it is suing TikTok as it claims the social media platform “baits children into addictive and unhealthy use.” Gov. Spencer Cox said at a news conference the platform promotes children to stay online for hours at a time. Recent research shows adolescents who spend more than three...
La pandemia ha tenido un impacto devastador en las personas de todo el país. Para las personas con discapacidades, que ya de por si enfrentan mucho aislamiento social, el COVID-19 solo ha exacerbado los desafíos de salud mental. Un estudio reciente encontró que los adultos con discapacidades reportan experimentar más angustia...
The pandemic has had a devastating impact on people across the country. For people with disabilities, who already face a lot of social isolation to begin with, COVID-19 has only exacerbated mental-health challenges. A recent study found adults with disabilities report experiencing more mental distress than those without disabilities. Dr. Sharon...
Did you know that a conversation can be the first step to solving mental health problems and getting help? Experts recognize that for us Latinos, it is not always easy to share emotions and feelings with members of our families, including healthcare professionals. But poor communication within the family...
¿Sabías que una conversación puede ser el primer paso para resolver problemas de salud mental y recibir ayuda? Los expertos reconocen que para nosotros, los latinos, no siempre es fácil compartir emociones y sentimientos con miembros de nuestras familias, incluso con profesionales de la salud. Pero la mala comunicación...
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit Hispanic families disproportionately, creating fear and insecurity. Many of us have lost loved ones, jobs, or businesses. The signs of mental health issues are not the same for everyone, but they do share certain symptoms in common. These are some of the symptoms they...
La pandemia del COVID-19 nos ha golpeado desproporcionadamente a las familias hispanas y nos ha generado temor e inseguridad. Muchos hemos perdido seres queridos, empleos o negocios. Las señales de dificultades con la salud mental no son las mismas para todos, pero sí comparten ciertos síntomas en común. Estos...
SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Aproximadamente uno de cada seis estudiantes de secundaria en California informó haber tenido pensamientos suicidas en 2019, según nuevos hallazgos de la organización sin fines de lucro Children Now. La Tarjeta de puntuación del bienestar infantil del condado de California 2021, publicada esta semana, es una...
SACRAMENTO, Calif. – About one in six high-school students in California reported thinking about suicide in 2019, according to new findings from the nonprofit Children Now. The 2021 California County Scorecard of Children’s Well-Being, released this week, is an interactive online data tool that tracks 39 indicators that measure such considerations...