Community members in the Lake Arrowhead area are planning to distribute free rainbow flags this week – in memory of Lauri Carleton, a 66-year-old shopkeeper shot to death on Friday August 18 by a young man who demanded she take down the store’s Pride flag. Carleton’s husband chased the...
Los miembros de la comunidad en el área de Lake Arrowhead planean distribuir banderas arcoíris gratuitas esta semana – en memoria de Lauri Carleton – una comerciante de 66 años asesinada a tiros el viernes 18 de agosto por un joven que le exigió que quitara la bandera del...
SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CA – Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation is pleased to announce the County’s first ADA accessible boat dock with an ADA-compliant kayak self-launching structure at Vasona Lake County Park in Los Gatos. This groundbreaking addition is set to expand boat rentals and provide enhancements to...
Santa Clara County Parks & Recreation Dept. SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CA – There is a new wealth of information visually depicting and explaining the wildlife, history and, recreational opportunities found at Coyote Lake Harvey Bear Ranch County Park in Gilroy. Coyote Lake Visitor Center is celebrating the newly remodeled...