Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk Los seres humanos han alterado profundamente el planeta, obligando a las plantas y los animales a adaptarse de formas que nunca lo habrían hecho sin nuestro impacto. A través de actividades como la destrucción del hábitat, la contaminación, el cambio climático, la caza...
Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk Humans have profoundly altered the planet, driving plants and animals to adapt in ways they never would have without our impact. Through activities like habitat destruction, pollution, climate change, hunting and introducing invasive species, humans have significantly accelerated evolutionary changes, transforming ecosystems in...
There are growing concerns about the prevalence of Christian Nationalism, an ideology that seeks to establish a theocracy rooted in Christian principles. Research indicates that about one-in-three Pennsylvanians support Christian Nationalist views, which opponents argue challenge the American ideal of separation of church and state. Rachel Tabachnick, an independent researcher...
Los demócratas del Comité de Supervisión de la Camara de Representantes afirman que la investigación del GOP sobre si los sindicatos de profesores tuvieron demasiada influencia en el cierre de escuelas tras la pandemia no ha dado resultados. Un portavoz de los demócratas dice que, de hecho, los Centros...
Democrats on the House Oversight Committee say a GOP probe into whether teachers’ unions had too much influence on pandemic school closures has come up empty. A spokesperson for the Democrats says that in fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention consulted a wide range of stakeholders before...
Alejandra Reyes-Velarde CalMatters Cuando la senadora estatal María Elena Durazo presentó un proyecto de ley en marzo para reforzar la Ley de Protección de Inquilinos de California, pidió que se redujera el tope de los aumentos de alquiler al 5%, mientras se cerraban las lagunas que los propietarios usan para desalojar a los...
Alejandra Reyes-Velarde CalMatters When state Sen. María Elena Durazo introduced a bill in March to bolster the California Tenant Protection Act, she called for lowering the cap on rent increases to 5%, while closing loopholes landlords use to evict tenants when there’s no “just cause.” By the time her “homelessness prevention” bill moved...
A suspect in connection with the shooting deaths of six people in downtown Sacramento was released from prison less than halfway through his 10-year sentence because of credits earned behind bars, handing Assembly Republicans an opportunity to decry the state’s recent wave of criminal justice reforms. “The violence we...
Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk An uptick in the intensity of hurricanes, prolonged periods of drought precipitating wildfires, flooded out coastal regions, melting ice caps—most of us can agree that man-made climate change is at least a contributing factor for these modern-day environmental maladies that seem to be...