
  • La próxima pandemia humana podría ser la gripe aviar

    Sunita Sohrabji Ethnic Media Services La próxima gran pandemia de proporciones similares a las de Covid probablemente será la gripe aviar, una enfermedad respiratoria que ya está matando a millones de aves de corral y acuáticas e infectando a miles de ganado. Actualmente, existe una versión del H5N1 –...
  • The Next Human Pandemic Could Be Bird Flu

    Sunita Sohrabji Ethnic Media Services The next major pandemic of Covid-like proportions will likely be avian flu, a respiratory disease already killing millions of poultry and waterfowl, and infecting thousands of cattle. Currently, there is a version of H5N1 — the avian flu virus — on six continents, an...
  • ¿Es la vivienda un derecho humano? Los votantes de California podrían decidirlo

    Marisa Kendall CalMatters La vida, la libertad, la búsqueda de la felicidad y… ¿de la vivienda? Los legisladores de California están tratando de consagrar el derecho a la vivienda en la constitución del estado. Pero ¿qué significa eso exactamente en un estado que carece de los recursos para dar a todos...
  • Is housing a human right? California voters could decide

    Marisa Kendall CalMatters Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and…housing? California lawmakers are trying to enshrine the right to housing in the state’s constitution. But what exactly does that mean in a state that lacks the resources to give everyone a roof over their heads? Supporters say the constitutional amendment would...
  • Normand Latourelle: A Dream Meeting Between Human and Horse

    Arturo Hilario El Observador Normand Latourelle has been in the arts for 40 years. Apart from being a co creator of Cirque du Soleil, his life long passion for productions and reinvention has led him to produce greatly admired works involving horses. His latest work, Cavalia: Odysseo, is now...
  • Brent Burns Finalist

    Second Annual Sports Humanitarian of the Year Awards Presented by ESPN to Take Place July 12 The second annual Sports Humanitarian of the Year Awards, presented by ESPN, will celebrate and honor leagues, teams, individuals and members of the sporting community that are using the power of sport to...