Big changes are imminent in the way homes are bought and sold, as the new forms for transactions in California are coming. The forms are linked to the proposed legal settlement by the National Association of Realtors, which ends the long-standing practice of having a home seller’s agent pay a commission...
A referendum on the ballot this fall gives California voters the chance to either uphold or reject a law which would require oil and gas wells to be set back 3,200 feet from sensitive areas such as schools and homes. Senate Bill 1137 never went into effect. It is on hold until...
Jeanne Kuang CalMatters A pesar de mudarse a su nuevo alojamiento hace apenas un mes, Darlene Pizarro y su perro, Angel, ya son clientes habituales del parque canino local. El nuevo lugar de Pizarro no es exactamente un vecindario de la ciudad y el lugar donde vive no es...
Jeanne Kuang CalMatters Despite moving in to her new digs just a month ago, Darlene Pizarro and her white dog, Angel, are already regulars at the local dog run. Pizarro’s new place is not quite a city neighborhood and where she lives isn’t quite a home, but a tiny...
Nicole Foy CalMatters Los californianos indocumentados afectados por las tormentas de invierno y las inundaciones están comenzando a recibir dinero de un programa especial de ayuda que el estado lanzó para ellos hace dos meses. En junio, la oficina del gobernador Gavin Newsom anunció que planea gastar $95 millones del Fondo...
Nicole Foy CalMatters Undocumented Californians affected by winter storms and floods are slowly starting to receive money from a special relief program the state launched for them two months ago. In June, Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office announced it plans to spend $95 million from the state’s Rapid Response Fund to help...
Un grupo de defensores que ha luchado durante mucho tiempo para reformar el problemático sistema de licencias de hogares de ancianos del estado ahora está tratando de acabar con la legislación que patrocinó, calificando el proyecto de ley enmendado como “un paso atrás”. “En lugar de la gran reforma...
A group of advocates that has long fought to reform the state’s troubled nursing home licensing system is now attempting to kill legislation it sponsored, calling the amended bill “a step backwards.” “Instead of the major reform that the nursing home licensing system needs, AB 1502 now codifies and endorses the...