En la sociedad de alta velocidad de hoy en día, es fácil estresarse. Independientemente de que usted esté preocupado por el dinero, el tiempo, el trabajo o las relaciones sentimentales, el estrés puede surgir de la nada. Y si bien podría pensar que solo afecta su salud mental, también...
In today’s fast-paced society, it’s easy to feel stressed. Whether you’re worried about money, time, work or relationships, stress can creep up out of nowhere. You may think that stress only affects your mental health, but it can also impact your physical health, especially if you don’t take steps...
El Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana comienza este viernes y se prolongara hasta el 15 de octubre. Decenas de eventos están previstos en todo el Estado Dorado para honrar a los más de 15 millones de residentes hispanos de California, que constituyen más del 40% de la población....
National Hispanic Heritage Month starts this Friday, and runs through Oct. 15. Dozens of events are planned up and down the Golden State to honor California’s more than 15 million Hispanic residents, who make up more than 40% of the population. Adriana Mendoza, associate director for advocacy and community engagement for...
Danielle Smith Public News Service Across the whole country, the rapidly growing Hispanic population made remarkable strides in college enrollment and educational attainment, according to a recent analysis by the U.S. Census Bureau. The number of Hispanic students ages 18 to 24 enrolled in college increased to 2.4 million in 2021....
Megan Tagami & Matthew Reagan CalMatters As a senior in high school, Ashley Chetla hoped to find a college where she felt supported – not only as a student, but as a Latina. Chetla enrolled at Cal State Los Angeles, drawn to the university’s status as a Hispanic Serving...
En el Mes de la Herencia Hispana, que comienza esta semana y dura hasta mediados de octubre, los grupos conservacionistas animan a la gente a celebrar sacando a la familia a disfrutar de nuestras tierras públicas. En el sur de California, por ejemplo, la Fundación Acceso Hispano está patrocinando...
Hispanic Heritage Month begins this week and runs through mid-October, and conservation groups are encouraging people to celebrate by getting the family out to enjoy our public lands. In Southern California, for example, Hispanic Access Foundation is sponsoring a stargazing event in Frazier Park for Hispanic pastors on Sept. 30....
Partnership provides tools to help older Hispanics struggling to make ends meet PRNewswire WASHINGTON, DC – The National Alliance for Hispanic Health (the Alliance) is announcing a new collaboration with the National Council on Aging (NCOA) to encourage families struggling to make ends meet to consider applying for programs that...