Alexei Koseff CalMatters For California political observers, the housing plan that Kamala Harris recently unveiled may have caused a twinge of familiarity. As a central plank of her agenda to “lower costs for American families,” the Democratic presidential nominee pledged in August to build 3 million additional affordable homes and rentals...
Alexei Koseff CalMatters Para los observadores políticos de California, el plan de vivienda que Kamala Harris reveló recientemente puede haber causado una punzada de familiaridad. Como eje central de su agenda para “reducir los costos para las familias estadounidenses”, la candidata presidencial demócrata se comprometió en agosto a construir 3 millones...
Khari Johnson CalMatters California lawmakers took a key vote on August 28 to pass a controversial bill that requires companies that make or modify powerful forms of artificial intelligence to test for their ability to enable critical harm to society. Following a 32-1 vote in the Senate in May, the Assembly...
Khari Johnson CalMatters El 28 de agosto, los legisladores californianos aprobaron en una votación clave un controvertido proyecto de ley que exige a las empresas que fabrican o modifican potentes formas de inteligencia artificial que comprueben su capacidad para provocar daños críticos a la sociedad. Tras una votación de...
Nigel Duara CalMatters Gov. Gavin Newsom, still stinging from a public defeat last month, signed a package of bills on August 16 that he and lawmakers pledged will combat rising retail theft. The 10 bills are intended to make it easier to prosecute people suspected of retail and vehicle theft without...
Nigel Duara CalMatters El gobernador Gavin Newsom, todavía dolido por una derrota pública el mes pasado, firmó un paquete de proyectos de ley el 16 de agosto que él y los legisladores prometieron que combatirán el creciente robo en el comercio minorista. Los 10 proyectos de ley tienen como objetivo facilitar...
Alexei Koseff & Yue Stella Yu CalMatters In the nearly two weeks since President Joe Biden’s catastrophic performance in a televised debate, the Democratic freakout over whether he can continue as their presumptive presidential nominee has not abated. Even as Biden insists that he is committed to finishing out...
Alexei Koseff & Yue Stella Yu CalMatters En las casi dos semanas transcurridas desde la catastrófica actuación del presidente Joe Biden en un debate televisado, el pánico demócrata sobre si puede continuar como su presunto candidato presidencial no ha disminuido. Aunque Biden insiste en que está comprometido a terminar...
Jocelyn Wiener CalMatters After days of uncertainty, the results are finally in: Californians, by a slim majority, have voted to throw their support behind Gov. Gavin Newsom’s latest effort to overhaul how the state cares for people with serious mental illness. The Associated Press on Wednesday declared that Proposition 1...