Las inundaciones previstas por la escorrentía primaveral en el valle de San Joaquín amenazan esta región agrícola vital. Nota del editor: La serie de tormentas devastadoras que sacó a California de su sequía de una década el invierno pasado también dejó partes del estado bajo el agua. En el...
Editor’s Note: The series of devastating storms that brought California out of its decade long drought this past winter also left parts of the state underwater. In the San Joaquin Valley, the flooding has led to the reemergence of Tulare Lake, once the largest freshwater body west of the...
Las drogas sintéticas fabricadas en México y vendidas a bajo precio en los Estados Unidos están matando a decenas de miles de personas mientras alimentan una creciente catástrofe humanitaria. Muchas de las víctimas son jóvenes, muchas son personas sin hogar y muchas son personas de color. Eso es según...
Synthetic drugs made in Mexico and sold for cheap in the U.S. are killing tens of thousands while fueling a growing humanitarian catastrophe. Many of the victims are young, many are homeless, and many are people of color. That’s according to award-winning reporter Sam Quinones, author of four acclaimed...
Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk Yes, the new federal climate report (the “Fourth National Climate Assessment”) paints a dire picture of our future—including compromised food safety—if we don’t rein in greenhouse gas emissions. According to the non-profit Stop Foodborne Illness (SFI), climate change is already starting to affect...