During his presidency, Barack Obama made no secret of his frustration over what had become a macabre ritual: in the aftermath of yet another callous shooting massacre, Obama was heading home to call for legislative changes, but the tragedies and the words of the president fell on deaf ears...
Hace dos décadas, los legisladores de California agregaron una nueva arma al creciente arsenal de medidas de control de armas del estado que ya se encuentra entre las más duras del país. Su motivación provino de 2,000 millas de distancia en un suburbio de Chicago sacudido. Fue allí donde...
Two decades ago, California legislators added a new weapon to the state’s growing arsenal of gun-control measures, already among the toughest in the nation. Their motivation came from 2,000 miles away in a shaken Chicago suburb. It was there that a gunman opened fire in an engine factory where he’d worked...