
  • How the fight over the Farm Bill can affect you

    Much of the national attention has been focused on student protests, the trial of Donald Trump and President Joe Biden’s popularity problems. But behind the public showcase, a formidable fight is brewing between Republicans and Democrats that could affect the nutrition of millions of people in the United States....
  • Estudio afirma que empleadores de California fallan en mantener a los alimentos y a los trabajadores agrícolas a salvo del COVID

    Aunque los trabajadores agrícolas y de producción de alimentos fueron considerados trabajadores esenciales durante la pandemia, muchos de los empleadores de alimentos de California pusieron en peligro a esos trabajadores, violando las pautas COVID-19 de Cal/OSHA con más frecuencia que la mayoría de las industrias, según un nuevo informe....
  • Study says California employers fail to keep food, farm workers safe from COVID

    Although farm and food production workers were considered essential workers during the pandemic, many of California’s food employers endangered those workers, violating Cal/OSHA’s COVID-19 guidelines more often than most industries, a new report said. The California Institute for Rural Studies’ report said farm and food production employers routinely failed to provide...
  • Build Your Own Troll Farm

    Shelly Palmer  You live in a war zone. You cannot see the enemy, you do not know when you are under attack, and you have no way to determine who has won any given battle on any given day. Since the consequences of any specific attack are intangible on...
  • De la Granja a la Escuela

    Alberto Hauffen / Universidad de California En California un gran número de escuelas compran directamente de granjas locales las frutas, verduras y otros productos alimenticios que sirven a sus alumnos. Eso ayuda a mejorar la alimentación infantil y beneficia a los agricultores y sus comunidades, señala una experta de Extensión...