The fentanyl epidemic seems uncontainable. It could be described as a hemorrhage of overdose deaths with pills containing this synthetic opioid. Of the 110,000 overdose deaths projected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the overwhelming majority involve fentanyl substances. This trend is equally worrying. The same...
Peter White Ethnic Media Services Young people are coming of age without knowing how to create a loving relationship or what the warning signs are that maybe they’re not in a good one. So says Ana Campos, 17, who was blinded by “fake love” and thought everything was fine....
LOS ANGELES – Este mes hace cuarenta años, los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades reportaron los primeros casos de lo que ahora se conoce como VIH/SIDA, lo que provocó una epidemia que cobró la vida de 32 millones de personas en el mundo y 700.000...
LOS ANGELES — Forty years ago this month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported the first cases of what would become known as HIV/AIDS, and touch off an epidemic that took 32 million lives across the globe, and 700,000 in the United States. Rick Chavez Zbur, outgoing executive...