A measure to end factory farming in Sonoma County has only received about 15% of the vote so far – so supporters are gathering tomorrow in Santa Rosa to find a new way forward. Measure J would have required big dairy and poultry farms classified as concentrated animal feeding operations, or...
Jeanne Kuang CalMatters Durante sus 30 años en Estados Unidos, Alejandro Gamez aceptó cualquier empleo que pudo como trabajador indocumentado: en restaurantes de comida rápida, fábricas, lavado de autos y conduciendo camiones, incluso cuando las condiciones eran malas. “No tenía estatus”, dijo. “No tenía opciones”. Pero después de denunciar...
Jeanne Kuang CalMatters In 30 years in America, Alejandro Gamez took any job he could as an undocumented worker — at fast food restaurants, factories and car washes and driving trucks, even when conditions were poor. “I had no status,” he said. “I had no options.” But after speaking up in...
Mikhail Zinshteyn CalMatters Las universidades privadas sin fines de lucro de California ya no podrán otorgar a los estudiantes una ventaja de admisión si sus padres donaron o asistieron a la misma universidad después de que el gobernador Gavin Newsom firmara una ley el 1 de octubre que prohíbe...
Mikhail Zinshteyn CalMatters California’s private nonprofit colleges will no longer be able to grant students an admissions advantage if their parents donated to or went to the same college after Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a law on October 1 banning the practice. The state joins a rarefied group of four others that have...
Jeanne Kuang CalMatters Food banks across California are bracing for a feared spike in hunger amid inflated prices after a pandemic-era boost in food aid ends in April. March is the last month CalFresh recipients will get the additional benefits, as the federal government cuts off the “emergency allotments”...