Kristen Hwang CalMatters Más de 75,000 empleados de Kaiser Permanente abandonaron sus puestos de trabajo la mañana del 4 de octubre, iniciando la huelga de trabajadores de la salud más grande en la historia de Estados Unidos, dijeron funcionarios sindicales. Kaiser y la Coalición de Sindicatos de Kaiser Permanente...
Kristen Hwang CalMatters More than 75,000 Kaiser Permanente employees walked off the job on October 4, initiating the largest health care worker strike in U.S. history, union officials said. Kaiser and the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions were unable to reach a deal during a marathon bargaining session in...
NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Los rasgos y capacidades exclusivamente humanos serán más importantes en el panorama laboral posterior al coronavirus, según Jamie Merisotis, autor de un nuevo libro sobre el futuro de la fuerza laboral. Al menos un estudio estima que el 40% de los trabajos que vieron despidos relacionados...
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Uniquely human traits and capabilities will be more important in the post-coronavirus work landscape, according to Jamie Merisotis, author of a new book on the future of the workforce. At least one study estimates 40% of jobs that saw COVID-related layoffs aren’t coming back, and Merisotis said the crisis offers...
Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk Many companies talk the talk when it comes to going green and do the minimum possible so as not to look bad (e.g. install recycling bins), but fewer actually walk the talk by actively investing in sustainability initiatives, let alone empower staffers to...