En la sociedad de alta velocidad de hoy en día, es fácil estresarse. Independientemente de que usted esté preocupado por el dinero, el tiempo, el trabajo o las relaciones sentimentales, el estrés puede surgir de la nada. Y si bien podría pensar que solo afecta su salud mental, también...
In today’s fast-paced society, it’s easy to feel stressed. Whether you’re worried about money, time, work or relationships, stress can creep up out of nowhere. You may think that stress only affects your mental health, but it can also impact your physical health, especially if you don’t take steps...
Painting alarming scenes of fires, floods and economic disruption, the California Legislature’s advisors today released a series of reports that lays out in stark terms the impacts of climate change across the state. The typically reserved, nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office outlined dire consequences for Californians as climate change continues to alter...