Después de 16 meses en centros de detención de inmigrantes en California y Texas, José Rubén Hernández Gómez regresó a la casa de su familia en Lodi en abril, caminando con un bastón y diciendo que sufre de problemas neurológicos y pesadillas persistentes. El hombre de 33 años, nacido...
Justo Robles CalMatters After 16 months in immigration detention facilities in California and Texas, Jose Ruben Hernandez Gomez returned to his family home in Lodi in April, walking with a cane and saying he suffers from neurological problems and persistent nightmares. The 33-year old Mexican-born man — who from...
Courtesy of The New York Times, we learned that President Joe Biden’s administration is considering reviving one of the most controversial practices of the Trump era: the detention of migrant families at the border. Although no final action has been taken, the leak to one of the most influential...
Suzanne Potter California News Service CONCORD, Calif. – A coalition of health, labor and environmental groups is asking the Trump administration to release specific locations for immigrant detention centers to be built on military bases – sites that may be polluted. President Donald Trump’s zero-tolerance policy at the border...
Andrea Sears Public News Service PHILADELPHIA – A habeas petition has been filed in federal district court seeking the release of a gay Mexican immigrant being held in Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention in York Prison. In January Jose Nuñez Martinez and his husband, a U.S. citizen, were attending what they...