Si bien la actividad de COVID-19 está aún por debajo de los niveles vistos el año pasado en la misma época, las hospitalizaciones por COVID-19 están aumentando rápidamente. Todavía hay tiempo para que usted y sus seres queridos se vacunen. Ponerse una vacuna contra el COVID-19 actualizada es la...
While COVID-19 activity is still below the levels seen last year at this time, COVID-19 hospitalizations are rising quickly. There is still time to get yourself and your loved ones vaccinated. Getting an updated COVID-19 vaccine is the best way to stay protected against serious illness from COVID-19. The...
Hace poco, mi hija Ellie, de un año, celebró su doljabi, una tradición coreana que celebra el brillante futuro de un niño. Durante esta ceremonia tradicional de primer cumpleaños, los niños se colocan delante de muchos objetos especiales, cada uno de los cuales simboliza lo que su familia espera...
Recently, my one-year-old Ellie celebrated her doljabi, a Korean tradition that celebrates a child’s bright future. During this traditional first birthday ceremony, children are placed in front of many special items, each symbolizing what their family hopes will be prosperous and healthy years to come. I’ll admit, as a...
Los recientes comentarios del Dr. Ashish Jha, coordinador de la respuesta al COVID-19 en la Casa Blanca, apuntan a un importante cambio en el enfoque de la administración para luchar contra la pandemia del COVID-19. Descrito por Jha como “comercialización“, el cambio de estrategia presagia graves consecuencias en lo...
Recent comments by White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha point to a major shift in the administration’s approach to fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. Described by Jha as “commercialization,” the shift in strategy portends serious consequences when it comes to equitable health access for the nation’s most vulnerable....
Las vacunas de la COVID-19 están disponibles ahora para niños menores de 5 años, y la American Medical Association (AMA) está instando a los padres a vacunar a sus hijos. “La espera por este momento ha sido insoportable para los padres que estaban listos desde el primer día para...
COVID-19 vaccines are now available for children under 5 years old, and the American Medical Association (AMA) is urging parents to get their children vaccinated. “The wait for this moment has been excruciating for parents who were ready on day one for their children to receive a vaccination to...
More than two years after Covid-19’s onset, there is finally a federally approved vaccine against it in the United States for children age 6 months to 4 years old. Covid has become the fifth-leading cause of death among kids between the ages of 1 and 4, and the fourth-leading...