Sameea Kamal CalMatters ¿Cuál es el costo de la democracia en California? Si calculamos eso basándonos sólo en las páginas que informan a los 22 millones de votantes del estado sobre la Proposición 1 en la guía oficial para votantes de marzo, alrededor de $8 millones. Cada página de...
Sameea Kamal CalMatters What’s the cost of democracy in California? If we calculate that based just on the pages informing the state’s 22 million voters about Proposition 1 in the official March voter guide, about $8 million. Each page of the primary voter guide cost $117,880 for printing, translations,...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services Aunque la administración Biden ha logrado avances históricos en la aprobación de iniciativas de condonación de préstamos estudiantiles, las demandas en curso por parte de estados de mayoría republicana y un posible cambio de liderazgo en la Casa Blanca este año electoral amenazan su...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services Though the Biden administration has made historic strides in passing student loan forgiveness initiatives, ongoing lawsuits by Republican-majority states and a possible change of White House leadership this election year threatens their survival. Meanwhile, the lifting of pandemic-era freezes to federal student loan payments...
Mikhail Zinshteyn CalMatters Nathan Reyes vive con su familia a cinco minutos de Cal State Los Ángeles, donde paga casi nada para obtener una licenciatura que normalmente les otorga a los graduados un salario de $62,000 dentro de los cinco años de completar la universidad . Es uno de los cientos...
Mikhail Zinshteyn CalMatters Nathan Reyes lives with his family five minutes from Cal State Los Angeles, where he’s paying close to nothing to earn a bachelor’s degree that typically lands graduates a salary of $62,000 within five years of completing college. He’s one of hundreds of thousands of California low-income...
Los estudiantes universitarios pagan más de $1.100 al año por libros y útiles, por lo que muchas escuelas están trabajando para tratar de reducir esa carga. Un estudio del US Public Interest Research Group encuentra que el costo de los materiales de los cursos ha aumentado a un ritmo de tres...
College students pay upwards of $1,100 a year for books and supplies, so many schools are working to try to reduce the burden. A study from U.S. Public Interest Research Group found the cost of course materials has increased at three times the rate of inflation since the 1970s, due mostly to lack...
Kristen Hwang CalMatters The high cost of insulin has been a niggling thorn in the side of regulators and patients for decades: Prices for the 100-year-old drug have increased more than 600% in the past 20 years, and stories of patients rationing doses abound. Even the most conservative economists point to...