Arturo Hilario El Observador Otro verano termina y otro Festival de Música y Arte de Outside Lands también llegó y se fue. En su decimosexto año, el festival continúa atrayendo a cientos de miles de personas al reino a veces soleado y a veces brumoso del Golden Gate Park...
Arturo Hilario El Observador Another summer ends, and another Outside Lands Music and Arts Festival has come and gone as well. In its sixteenth year, the festival continues to attract hundreds of thousands of people into the sometimes sunny, and sometimes misty realm of Golden Gate Park in San...
El revestimiento reflectante del pavimento ayudó a enfriar uno de los vecindarios más calurosos de Los Ángeles durante un período de un año, según un estudio publicado recientemente en Environmental Research Communications, pero algunos investigadores argumentan a favor de aumentar la sombra como una mejor manera de proteger a...
Reflective pavement coating helped cool down one of Los Angeles’ hottest neighborhoods over a year-long period, according to a recently published study in Environmental Research Communications, but some researchers argue in favor of increasing shade as a better way to protect people from dangerously high temperatures. The research on the...
Anabel Sosa CalMatters Hace apenas cinco meses, el jefe de policía de Alameda, Nishant Joshi, enfrentó una grave crisis de personal. Casi un tercio de los 88 puestos juramentados de su departamento estaban vacantes, lo que le dejaba 24 puestos de trabajo que cubrir lo más rápido posible. No...
Anabel Sosa CalMatters Just five months ago, Alameda Police Chief Nishant Joshi faced a dire staffing crisis. Almost one third of the 88 sworn positions in his department were vacant, giving him 24 jobs to fill as quickly as possible. He wasn’t alone in that predicament. Many California police...
San Francisco, CA – City Cruises has new cruises for the summer season, offering fresh ideas for outings with friends and family on the water. In addition to the fun and festive cruises all-year long, City Cruises San Francisco will host celebratory holiday cruises for Father’s Day, 4th of July, and cocktail...
Sunita Sohrabji Ethnic Media Services Following 90 minutes of public comments from passionate speakers on both sides of the issue, the Seattle, Washington City Council Feb. 21 made history as it passed the first law in the nation banning caste discrimination. The measure passed on a 6-1 vote, with...
Two San Jose companies, City Lights Theater Company and Teatro Visión, are coming together at the Mexican Heritage Plaza this weekend only, Feb. 23-26, for an exciting co-production of Miss You Like Hell. When Beatriz shows up at her 16-year-old daughter Olivia’s house at 4 a.m. and invites her...