Marisa Kendall CalMatters Among the most difficult addictions to witness at San Francisco general hospital’s drug clinic is methamphetamine, which leaves users tearing at their skin and unable to eat, sleep or sign up for help. The worst part: The clinic workers largely are powerless because unlike with opioid...
La primera vez que le pasó a Courtney Abrams, casi nadie le creyó. Alguien había agotado los más de $700 en asistencia monetaria y casi $200 en cupones de alimentos de su Tarjeta de Transferencia Electrónica de Beneficios (EBT, por sus siglas en inglés) que la madre soltera de...
The first time it happened to Courtney Abrams, hardly anyone believed her. Someone had drained the more than $700 in cash aid and nearly $200 in food stamps from the electronic benefits transfer (EBT) card the 33-year-old single mother received from the state, just minutes after those monthly payments appeared...
Mark Hedin Ethnic Media Services Gift cards prepaid credit-card-like financial instruments are for gifts. Just ask the government. Use them, perhaps, to give your style-conscious niece who lives far away the chance to shop for something she’ll actually wear. But DON’T use a gift card to help rescue that niece, or...