Alejandro Lazo CalMatters California’s push to electrify its cars is facing a potentially serious problem: People aren’t buying electric cars fast enough. After three straight years of strong growth, sales have stabilized in...
Carolyn Jones CalMatters It’ll be a while before Los Angeles can fully assess the damage to its schools from this recent spate of fires, but a few things already seem certain: rebuilding will take a long time, it will be expensive, and it may sap the statewide fund for...
Wendy Fry CalMatters Undocumented immigrants and their California families braced for the worst — and many told CalMatters they would go underground — as newly sworn-in President Donald Trump began issuing executive orders to enable what he promises will be the most massive deportation in U.S. history. “It’s draining my...
Peter Schurmann Ethnic Media Services POPLAR, Ca. – A principios de la década de 1970, los funcionarios del condado declararon que esta ciudad no incorporada o considerada parte del corazón agrícola de California “no tenía un futuro claro”. Esta designación, que implicaba recortes drásticos en los servicios básicos, se...
Peter Schurmann Ethnic Media Services POPLAR, Ca. – In the early 1970s, this unincorporated town in California’s agricultural heartland was designated by county officials as having “no authentic future.” That designation—entailing dramatic cuts to basic services—remained until as recently as 2023. Now, following a series of raids on immigrants...
Alejandra Reyes-Velarde CalMatters De pie en el patio delantero de su casa en Wilmington, José Ulloa no puede pronunciar una sola frase sin toser. Camiones pesados, que van y vienen del puerto de Los Ángeles, pasan todo el día frente a su casa, con sus motores rugiendo y sus...
Alejandra Reyes-Velarde CalMatters Standing in his front yard in Wilmington, Jose Ulloa can’t get a sentence out without coughing. Heavy-duty trucks, headed to and from the Port of Los Angeles, pass in front of his home all day, their engines roaring and their exhaust spewing into the air. Ulloa,...
Felicia Mello CalMatters Confused about Proposition 33? You’re not alone. A recent poll shows the ballot measure to give local governments more ability to limit rent increases is running neck and neck, with nearly a third of voters undecided. Prop. 33 would repeal a state law known as the Costa Hawkins Rental Housing...
Alexei Koseff CalMatters For California political observers, the housing plan that Kamala Harris recently unveiled may have caused a twinge of familiarity. As a central plank of her agenda to “lower costs for American families,” the Democratic presidential nominee pledged in August to build 3 million additional affordable homes and rentals...