What a coincidence. Exactly five weeks before the November 5 elections, President Joe Biden thought it was the best time to further tighten restrictions on the right to asylum and affect the most vulnerable people. Is it a coincidence that one of Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris’ greatest weaknesses...
Sunita Sohrabji Ethnic Media Services Los demócratas pasaron una noche de examen de conciencia el 27 de junio después de la actuación errática del presidente Joe Biden en el escenario del debate, que contrastó enormemente con una actuación confiada del expresidente Donald Trump. Biden buscó las palabras y a...
Sunita Sohrabji Ethnic Media Services Democrats had an evening of soul searching June 27 after President Joe Biden’s erratic performance on the debate stage, which contrasted wildly with a confident delivery by former President Donald Trump. Biden grasped for words, sometimes losing his thought midstream during a sentence. He...
Jeannine Chiang Ethnic Media Services El tiempo corre para TikTok, la popular plataforma de redes sociales que cuenta con 150 millones de usuarios mensuales en los EE. UU. citando la seguridad nacional, la Administración Biden ordenó en abril a la empresa de propiedad china vender sus operaciones en Estados...
Jeannine Chiang Ethnic Media Services The clock is ticking for TikTok, the wildly popular social media platform that boasts 150 million monthly users in the U.S. Citing national security the Biden Administration in April ordered the Chinese-owned company to sell its US operations within a year or be banned....
Wendy Fry CalMatters Las acciones ejecutivas largamente previstas por el presidente Biden que restringen las solicitudes de asilo en la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México podrían entrar en vigor a medianoche en zonas remotas de California, donde algunos inmigrantes se reúnen en campamentos al aire libre a la...
Wendy Fry CalMatters President Biden’s long-predicted executive actions restricting asylum claims at the U.S.-Mexico border could take effect at midnight in remote parts of California where some migrants gather in open-air camps to await federal processing. White House officials argue the new measures announced June 4 will bring much-needed order to...
Let me ask you a question: Which of the two presidential candidates, Donald Trump or Joe Biden, supports sealing the border with Mexico to prevent the access of undocumented immigrants? Until a week ago, the answer was obvious: Donald Trump. The former president has made undocumented immigrants the scapegoat...
Peter White Ethnic Media Services Cuando el presidente Biden dio a conocer formalmente su presupuesto la semana pasada en Filadelfia, apuntó directamente al fútbol político que es la reforma de seguridad social. “Les garantizo que protegeré el Seguro Social y Medicare sin ningún cambio”, dijo el presidente. Pero los...