Desde las elecciones, se ha hablado mucho de lo que pasó en California. Los titulares proclamaban que California se había desviado hacia la derecha y que nuestros valores de inclusión y cuidado eran los culpables. Tanto los demócratas centristas como los analistas conservadores afirman que el Partido Demócrata se...
Since the election, there has been a lot of finger-wagging about what happened in California. Headlines proclaimed that California shifted to the right, that our values of inclusion and care are to blame. Centrist Democrats and conservative pundits alike claim the Democratic Party has gone too far to the...
Roddy Scheer y Doug Moss EarthTalk Cerca de 200 empresas de todo el mundo han realizado pruebas de seis meses de una semana laboral de cuatro días con resultados prometedores. Juliet Schor, economista y socióloga del Boston College, dirige las pruebas con el grupo sin ánimo de lucro Four...
Roddy Scheer y Doug Moss EarthTalk Nearly 200 companies across the globe have completed six-month trials of a four-day workweek with promising results. Juliet Schor, an economist and sociologist at Boston College, is leading the trials with the nonprofit group Four Day Week Global. Schor says, “Stress, burnout, mental...
A pesar de la pujante economía, la inseguridad alimentaria empeoró en 2022, a nivel nacional y en el condado de Los Ángeles. Nuevos datos del Departamento de Agricultura de EE. UU. muestran que el 12,8% de los hogares estadounidenses padecían inseguridad alimentaria el año pasado, un aumento de más...
Despite the roaring economy, food insecurity got worse in 2022 – nationally and in Los Angeles County. New data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture shows 12.8% of American households were food insecure last year, an increase of more than 2.5% from 2021. And, a recent report from the University...
The new Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, has just a few days to overcome two of the biggest challenges to his leadership. On the one hand, Johnson must convince his undisciplined caucus to accept a draft resolution that keeps the federal government open beyond the Nov....
Felicia Mello CalMatters El descanso en fin de semana. La jornada laboral de ocho horas. La licencia familiar remunerada. Esos frutos de las victorias laborales son parte de la vida cotidiana en California. Ahora, este verano con bastante movimiento laboral en el estado, puede haber ayudado a inspirar otra...
Felicia Mello CalMatters The weekend. The eight-hour workday. Paid family leave. Those fruits of labor victories are part of everyday life in California. Now the state’s hot labor summer may have helped inspire another precedent-setting measure, if Gov. Gavin Newsom signs a bill on his desk that would allow...