
  • Why You Should Avoid DIY Dental Trends

    DIY activities, like swapping a lighting fixture or painting your living room, are popular ways to accomplish your to-do list. But as anyone who has tackled too big of a project knows, some jobs are best left to the professionals. That includes your dental health. You may have already...
  • No se deje engañar por una voz conocida: puede ser una ‘Estafa a los abuelos’

    Es posible que haya oído hablar de adultos mayores engañados que envían dinero a alguien que creen que es un nieto u otro familiar en problemas y se inclinó a pensar: “¿Cómo podría alguien caer en eso?”. Pero la verdad es que la tecnología avanzada actual hace que sea...
  • How to avoid being tricked by a familiar voice: ‘Grandparent scams’

    You may have heard about older adults being tricked into sending money to someone they think is a grandchild or other relative in trouble and thought to yourself, “How could anyone fall for that?” But the truth is, today’s advanced technology makes it easier than ever for scammers to...
  • Consejos para evitar las últimas estafas navideñas

    Con la temporada de compras navideñas en pleno apogeo, los estafadores están trabajando duro. Por eso, los expertos dan algunos consejos para comprar de forma más inteligente. según AARP Fraudwatch, las estafas más comunes en estos días son las compras por Internet, las tarjetas de regalo vacías y las...
  • Tips to Avoid the Latest Holiday Scams

    With the holiday shopping season in full swing, scammers are hard at work, so the experts have some tips on how to shop smarter. The most common types of scams these days are online shopping scams, empty gift cards and package delivery scams, according to AARP FraudWatch. Kathy Stokes,...

    Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk Las ventas récord de autos eléctricos confirman que el futuro del transporte eléctrico ya está aquí. A nivel mundial, 10 millones de vehículos que funcionan con baterías de iones de litio están en la calle ahora. La Agencia Internacional de Energía predice que...

    Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk Record-breaking electric car sales confirm that the future of electric transport is here. Globally, 10 million lithium-ion battery-powered vehicles are now on the road. The International Energy Agency predicts that number will increase to 300 million by 2030, accounting for over 60 percent...
  • Tips to manage asthma and avoid its triggers

    More than 26 million Americans live with asthma, which includes 6.2 million children. Although there is no cure, asthma can be managed and treated so that those with the condition can live normal, healthy lives, both indoors and outdoors. May is Asthma Awareness Month and a great opportunity to...