Sunita Sohrabji Ethnic Media Services La desigualdad de ingresos está en su punto más alto en Estados Unidos, pero las políticas progresistas que dan más influencia a los trabajadores podrían revertir décadas de crecimiento salarial estancado, especialmente para los trabajadores de bajos ingresos. “Cuando pienso en el sueño americano,...
Sunita Sohrabji Ethnic Media Services Income inequality is at an all time high in the US, but progressive policies that give more leverage to workers could reverse decades of stagnant wage growth, especially for lower-income workers. “When I think about the American dream, I think about people being able...
Carolyn Jones CalMatters Dasan Lynch, a junior at San Pasqual Valley High, clearly envisions his future: He wants to go to college, play sports and pursue a career in law enforcement, like his great-grandfather. That’ll be the easy part. The hard part will be saying goodbye. “It’ll be like...
Peter Schurmann Ethnic Media Services El apoyo al presidente Biden entre los árabes estadounidenses se ha desplomado a raíz del conflicto palestino-israelí, según una nueva encuesta publicada por el Instituto Árabe Americano, que no es partidista. La encuesta entre 500 árabes americanos encontró una disminución del 42% en aquellos...
Peter Schurmann Ethnic Media Services Support for President Biden among Arab Americans has plummeted in the wake of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, according to a new survey released by the non-partisan Arab American Institute. The survey of 500 Arab Americans found a 42% decrease in those who say they approve of the...
Rong Xiaoqing Ethnic Media Services Anne Watkins dice que el apuñalamiento del 11 de enero de un estudiante chino-estadounidense de 18 años por parte de Billie Davis, de 56 años, que es blanco, cambió fundamentalmente su percepción de la ciudad que llama hogar. “Cuando sucedió en Bloomington, pensé: están...
Rong Xiaoqing Ethnic Media Services Anne Watkins says the January 11 stabbing of an 18-year-old Chinese American student by Billie Davis, 56, who is white, fundamentally changed her perception of the city she calls home. “When it happened in Bloomington, I was like, they’re one step closer,” says Watkins,...
Arturo Hilario El Observador Héctor Curriel es nuestro caricaturista residente, quien semana tras semana nos brinda comentarios sociales sobre noticias, política y la vida en general. Es un artista profesional de muchas disciplinas, desde el dominio de la acuarela hasta la pintura de bellas artes, el trabajo de retratos,...
Arturo Hilario El Observador Hector Curriel is our resident cartoonist, who week after week provides us with social commentary on news, politics and life in general. He is a professional artist of many disciplines, from a mastery of watercolor to fine art painting, portrait work, as well as writing...