
  • Cómo navegar las vacaciones para familias que experimentan adicción

    Celebrar la temporada navideña puede resultar complicado para los hogares en los que un ser querido padece una adicción. Un experto de Dakota del Sur dijo que hay medidas que el individuo y su familia pueden tomar para evitar problemas mayores. Matt Walz, representante del Centro de Tratamiento Keystone,...
  • Navigating the holidays for families experiencing addiction

    Celebrating the holiday season can be complicated for households with a loved one dealing with an addiction. A South Dakota expert said there are steps the individual and their family can take to avoid major problems. Matt Walz, representative for the Keystone Treatment Center, said because alcohol is often provided...
  • Los “baby boomers” pasan mucho tiempo libre pegados a las pantallas

    SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – En la última década, los estadounidenses mayores de 60 años han aumentado el tiempo que pasan en computadoras, tabletas, teléfonos o viendo televisión en casi 30 minutos por día. Y eso significa que la generación Baby Boomer y los mayores pasan más de la mitad...
  • Baby Boomers Spend Lots of Leisure Time Glued to Screens

    SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — In the past decade, Americans ages 60 and older have increased the time they spend on computers, tablets, phones or watching T.V. by nearly 30 minutes per day. And that means the Baby Boomer generation and those older spend more than half of their daily...
  • The road to recovery

    Drug and alcohol addiction can destroy careers, tear apart families and ruin lives. With 43,982 total drug-induced deaths each year, addiction continues to be a problem in the United States. “Experiencing or watching a loved one battle an addiction is heartbreaking,” says JJ Bush, Executive Director of Behavior Rehabilitation...