Khari Johnson CalMatters Tener una orden de restricción contra su expareja y un juez que le conceda la posesión de un automóvil familiar debería ser suficiente para que un fabricante de automóviles desactive el seguimiento de ubicación satelital, ¿verdad? Pues no, estás equivocado. Ese escenario les ha sucedido a...
Khari Johnson CalMatters Having a restraining order against your former partner and a judge granting you possession of a family car should be enough to get a car manufacturer to turn off location tracking, right? Wrong. That scenario has happened to domestic abuse survivors CalMatters spoke to and the...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services As a worsening opioid epidemic ranks among California’s most challenging crises, the Sierra Health Center is reducing harm through care over criminalization. At a Thursday, January 18 briefing co-hosted by EMS and Sierra Health on the occasion of its 10th anniversary, three leaders of...
Los trabajadores latinos forman la columna vertebral de la industria agrícola estadounidense. Sin ellos, no podríamos comer. Sin ellos, nuestros sistemas alimenticios más grandes se derrumbarían. Pero los trabajadores agrícolas ganan “mucho menos que incluso algunos de los trabajadores peor pagados de la fuerza laboral de los Estados Unidos”,...
Latine workers form the backbone of the American agricultural industry. Without them, we could not eat. Without them, our larger food systems would crumble. But farmworkers earn “far less than even some of the lowest-paid workers in the U.S. labor force,” according to the Economic Policy Institute. And the overwhelming majority of...
Experts said one in 10 older Americans experiences abuse, neglect or exploitation, and the fastest-growing category is financial abuse. Rob Bonta, Attorney General, spoke out for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, observed on Thursday June 15, warning scammers are increasingly effective at separating people from their money. Total losses from...
Esta semana, cuatro grupos de defensa han presentado un informe amicus curiae en un caso ante la Corte Suprema de California que involucra acusaciones de abuso de personas de la tercera edad y el uso de arbitraje. Un centro de enfermería especializado, Country Oaks en Pomona, está tratando de forzar el arbitraje en...
This week, four advocacy groups have filed an amicus brief in a case before the California Supreme Court involving allegations of elder abuse and the use of arbitration. A skilled nursing facility, Country Oaks in Pomona, is trying to compel arbitration in a case where the patient, Charles Logan, gave his nephew power...
In California, the lawsuits are mounting — middle-aged men, saying they were sexually assaulted as children by a Boy Scout leader or a priest. A woman, now in her late 30s, detailing how she was allegedly assaulted in a center for foster children. A man who said he was...