Partnership provides tools to help older Hispanics struggling to make ends meet
WASHINGTON, DC – The National Alliance for Hispanic Health (the Alliance) is announcing a new collaboration with the National Council on Aging (NCOA) to encourage families struggling to make ends meet to consider applying for programs that help supplement their budget for everyday needs like health care, groceries, utilities, and prescriptions.
“Given the Hispanic aging boom, it is essential to support older Hispanics to access services that will help them remain as healthy, independent, and self-sufficient as possible,” said Dr. Jane L. Delgado, President and CEO of the Alliance, the nation’s leading Hispanic health advocacy group.
Through the partnership, the Alliance’s Su Familia helpline will use NCOA’s BenefitsCheckUp® online tool to assist families in need of urgent assistance in finding community economic security resources. The BenefitsCheckUp® website is available anytime for people looking for resources to stretch a tight budget.
The site provides free, confidential information about benefit programs and connects families to the community services that can help them apply. Additionally, local partners for both organizations will coordinate outreach at select ¡Vive tu Vida! Get Up! Get Moving! events to provide in-person information and enrollment opportunities.
The poverty rate among Hispanic seniors aged 65 and over is twice the rate for all seniors. Almost half of older single Hispanic seniors and about 15% of couples have incomes below the poverty level. Most Hispanic seniors have at least one chronic condition and many suffer from multiple conditions including diabetes, arthritis and heart disease.
“Hispanics are one of the fastest growing segments of older adults; however, community resources are not meeting the needs of our population. We share NCOA’s mission to improve the lives of older adults in our communities and are excited to add BenefitsCheckUp® as a resource to assist older Hispanics. If you need information on BenefitsCheckUp®, other health information, or a referral for yourself or someone you know, we are here to help. Please or call our bilingual and toll-free Su Familia helpline at 1-866-783-2645,” concluded Dr. Delgado.