Mario Jiménez Castillo/ Martha Graniello
El Observador
The festive time has come, the traditional “Cinco de Mayo”, which celebrates the triumph of the Mexican troops against the French army in the memorable Batalla de Puebla, the Bataille de Puebla of 1862. On this date we have the opportunity to appreciate the customs, traditions and folklore of Mexico in all their splendor. During this time many of the diverse cities in California organize and present artistic groups that entertain us with their Danza Azteca and other folklore dances, which include colorful folklore costumes and traditional attire for the occasion.
We spoke with Palmira Macías, General Manager of the store “De la Rosa”, in San Jose, which traditionally sells the most beautiful folklore costumes in the city. She told us that the traditional attires of Mexico, are the result of the fusion of both, the indigenous and Spaniard cultures. Jalisco, is one of the states that represent the National Folklore, it stands out due to its beauty and colors, creating a gala of colors, like the Mexican rose, yellow, red and the orange color. And of course the traditional charro attire. “Each one of the states in the Mexican Republic is represented by its traditional regional costume and its dances. The folkloric attires are decorated with braids, combs, flowers, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, hats and shawls. Speaking of the State of Puebla, the traditional China Poblana, is considered a costume that was the result of the mix between the attire of La Nueva España and some urban zones of the center and southeast of the country. The costume includes a white blouse with colorful embroidery in the shape of flowers and geometric figures. The traditional Mexican attire has been preserved as one of the ancestral customs and way of life, which today constitutes an essential part of the Mexican cultural heritage”. Commented Palmira.
We also spoke with local fashion designer, América Sánchez, she related to us that her source of inspiration for the clothes she designs, is the vibrancy of the colors in the traditional Mexican costume, “I am very proud of my cultural legacy, it is always a pleasure for me to create designs that represent the folklore and traditions of México”. “As a Mexican designer, I invite the parents to teach their children, from a very young age, the importance of our heritage and national folklore. I have designed traditional attires with a modern touch, a magical touch that comes from the great variety of colors that makes our country stand out in the outside world”. We chatted with América about the Ballet Folclórico de Amalia Hernández, whom was a pioneer in that type of performances. “The Mexican dances transport you to other times and places, they have a magic that pleases any spectator”. Commented América.
Locally, we have several groups of folklore dance, among them stands out the Ballet Folclórico “Fuego Nuevo”. An artistic group with over a decade of trajectory in the Bay Area and California. Each state of Mexico is represented by a large amount of traditional dances and regional attires that differ between them, but at the same time, are intertwine by their textiles, grace, beauty and colors. The Mexican Folklore is a heritage, not only for Mexico, but also for the world. “Happy Cinco de Mayo, and Viva México”.