
  • ¿Gobernarán las mujeres en las elecciones de California de 2022?

    Sameea Kamal & Ariel Gans CalMatters ¿Un regalo o una maldición? Para Angelique Ashby, postularse como “defensora de las mujeres” en una acalorada carrera por el Senado estatal en Sacramento podría ser un poco de ambos. Su competidor, Dave Jones, un colega demócrata, acudió a los tribunales para impedir...
  • Will women rule in the 2022 California election?

    Sameea Kamal & Ariel Gans CalMatters A gift or a curse? For Angelique Ashby, running as a “women’s advocate” in a heated state Senate race in Sacramento might be a little of both. Her competitor, Dave Jones, a fellow Democrat, went to court to block Ashby from using that as her ballot designation...
  • Mujeres de color enfrentan mayor carga de deuda estudiantil en la pandemia

    El COVID-19 ha tocado casi todas las facetas de la vida, y un nuevo informe del Centro de Prestamos Responsables dice que las mujeres que pagan prestamos estudiantiles se han visto especialmente afectadas. El informe dice en particular que la pandemia exacerbo la inestabilidad financiera de las mujeres de color, reduciendo...
  • Report: Black Women Face Higher Student-Debt Burden in Pandemic

    COVID-19 has touched just about every facet of life, and a new report from the Center for Responsible Lending says women repaying student loans have been hit especially hard. The report says in particular, the pandemic exacerbated the financial instability of women of color, reducing their ability to repay...
  • Mujeres asiáticas estadounidenses reflexionan sobre cómo superar los ataques de odio

    Las mujeres asiáticas estadounidenses están experimentando una nueva ola de ataques violentos relacionados con el odio. Según el portal web Stop AAPI Hate, desde marzo de 2020 se han producido más de 10.000 ataques, el 16% de los cuales ha incluido violencia física. Mujeres ancianas fueron víctimas en la...
  • Asian American Women reflect on how to move beyond hate attacks  

    Asian American women are experiencing a fresh wave of violent, hate-related attacks. According to the web portal Stop AAPI Hate, since March 2020, there have been over 10,000 attacks, 16% of which have been physically violent. Elders were the targets in the majority of incidents. A poll commissioned by...
  • More women are targets of xenophobic hate

    Jenny Manrique Ethnic Media Services Muslim, Asian and Latina women are the main victims of xenophobic attacks in the United States during an increase in hate crimes against immigrants. The phenomenon, said experts convened by Ethnic Media Services, reflects the fact that marginalized groups end up being the scapegoat...
  • Más mujeres son blanco del odio xenófobo

    Jenny Manrique Ethnic Media Services Mujeres musulmanas, asiáticas y latinas son las principales víctimas de agresiones xenófobas en Estados Unidos en el marco de un aumento de los crímenes de odio contra inmigrantes. El fenómeno, observan expertos convocados por Ethnic Media Services, obedece a que los grupos marginados terminan...
  • Meet Strawberry Farmer Alma García

    According to the latest Census of Agriculture data, the United States has more female farmers than ever before. Between 2012 and 2017, United States agriculture saw a 27% increase in female producers, with women making up about 36% of American farmers today. More than half (56%) of all farms reported having at least one female decision-maker. March is...