La Convención Nacional Demócrata en Chicago comenzó el lunes 19 de agosto con grandes multitudes y la delegación más grande, unas 500 personas, proviene de California. El grupo está especialmente entusiasmado con la candidata Kamala Harris, ya que sirvió al pueblo del Estado Dorado durante décadas como fiscal de...
The Democratic National Convention in Chicago kicked off on Monday August 19 with huge crowds and the biggest delegation, some 500 strong, hails from California. The group is especially enthusiastic about nominee Kamala Harris, since she served the people of the Golden State for decades as district attorney in San Francisco,...
Miriam Bar-Zemer Ethnic Media Services Mientras las temperaturas alcanzan los tres dígitos durante la primera ola de calor de este verano en Los Ángeles, Sandra Villalobos ha ido de puerta en puerta compartiendo información con los vecinos sobre cómo mantenerse frescos. Su equipo bilingüe de promotoras —trabajadores comunitarios de...
Miriam Bar-Zemer Ethnic Media Services As temperatures soar into the triple digits during this summer’s first heat wave in Los Angeles, Sandra Villalobos has been going door-to-door sharing information with neighbors on how to stay cool. Her bilingual team of promotoras — community health workers with the nonprofit Visión...
The figures for the number of victims of firearms in the United States are tragic, devastating and unacceptable: Firearms are the leading cause of death among American children and adolescents. One in 10 deaths by firearms corresponds to children under 19 years of age. Four out of 10 adults...
Peter White Ethnic Media Services A North Carolina native, Sailor Jones is a longtime organizer and community advocate who for more than two decades has fought for social justice in his state. As a member of the trans community, that fight has now taken on renewed urgency. “This is...
Sunita Sohrabji Ethnic Media Services Una vez que se conoció la noticia de que Audrey Hale era transgénero, la comunidad LGBTQIA teme ahora ser el blanco de ataques, en represalia. Audrey Hale, de 28 años, quien al nacer fue registrada con género femenino y que luego se habría autoidentificado...
Sunita Sohrabji Ethnic Media Services Physical violence and verbal abuse are the norm for many transgender youths. Last month, as news emerged that 28-year Audrey Hale — who killed six people, including three 9-year-old students at Nashville, Tennessee’s Covenant School — was transgender, the LGBTQIA community began to fear...
California, particularmente el norte de California fue golpeado por una gran tormenta de nieve y lluvia invernal la semana pasada y los meteorólogos esperan que los altos niveles de precipitación continúen durante al menos otra semana. A pesar de algunos daños y al menos una muerte por inundaciones locales...