
  • Goodbye hotdogs, hello vegan masala: California’s school lunches are going gourmet

    Carolyn Jones  CalMatters The hottest new restaurant in California might be your local elementary school. Thanks to a surge of nearly $15 billion in state and federal funding, school districts are ditching the old standbys — frozen pizza and chicken nuggets — in favor of organic salads, free-range grilled...
  • ¿Curiosidad vegana? Aquí te decimos cómo empezar

    Seguir una dieta vegana no solo reduce el impacto personal en el medio ambiente, sino que está asociado con una variedad de beneficios para la salud, por lo que no sorprende que un movimiento de alimentos a base de plantas esté en aumento. “Con más de 100,000 búsquedas mensuales...
  • Vegan Curious? Here’s How to Get Started

    Following a vegan diet doesn’t just reduce one’s impact on the environment, it’s associated with a range of health benefits, making it no surprise that a plant-based food movement is on the rise. “With more than 100,000 internet searches per month for ‘vegan recipes’ and ‘vegetarian recipes,’ it’s clear...
  • I’m looking for cool holiday gift ideas for a strident vegan who won’t tolerate items that make use of animals or animal products. Any ideas?

    Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk Well…an Omaha Steaks gift box is definitely off the table as an idea, but there are plenty of great gift options for the vegans or even just the animal-friendly among us. Food-wise, how about a gift certificate to the recipient’s favorite vegan restaurant...
  • Vegan Leather

    How does this faux leather compare with conventional leather in regard to environmental impact?  Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk  Leather is stylish, fashionable and wearable throughout the year, but its production takes a heavy toll on animal welfare and the environment. While many environmentalists and vegetarians swear off...
  • Una receta saludable y deliciosa

    ¿Es posible comer galletas sin huevo, azúcar refinada, leche, ni mantequilla y que, a la vez, sean deliciosas ? Luego de preparar esta receta de Galletas Veganas se darán cuenta que si es posible  una receta deliciosa y saludable. Podemos encontrar la forma de complacer nuestros antojos con algo...