Desmond Meagley & Amy Elisabeth Moore CalMatters Despite broad protections for transgender student athletes, California has become the latest battleground in the growing national movement to remove them from women’s college sports. In one case, two public universities in California are leaving the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics after it imposed...
Tres iniciativas electorales propuestas que afectan a estudiantes transgénero se encuentran ahora en la etapa de recolección de firmas en California. El grupo Protect Kids California dijo que planea combinarlos para tratar de incluir una gran medida en la boleta electoral el próximo otoño. Una propuesta impediría que las...
Three proposed ballot initiatives affecting transgender students are now in the signature-gathering stage in California. The group Protect Kids California said it is planning to combine them, to try to get one big measure on the ballot next fall. One proposal would prevent transgender girls from competing on girls’ sports...
Sunita Sohrabji Ethnic Media Services Una vez que se conoció la noticia de que Audrey Hale era transgénero, la comunidad LGBTQIA teme ahora ser el blanco de ataques, en represalia. Audrey Hale, de 28 años, quien al nacer fue registrada con género femenino y que luego se habría autoidentificado...
Sunita Sohrabji Ethnic Media Services Physical violence and verbal abuse are the norm for many transgender youths. Last month, as news emerged that 28-year Audrey Hale — who killed six people, including three 9-year-old students at Nashville, Tennessee’s Covenant School — was transgender, the LGBTQIA community began to fear...
Zaeem Shaikh CalMatters It took Xander nearly a decade to try community college again. The incoming American River College student first attempted higher education in North Carolina in 2013. But navigating campus as a man who is transgender was a nightmare, said Xander, who’s now 30 and asked to...
When Kathie Moehlig’s 11-year-old son decided to transition in 2012, she says not one doctor in San Diego was willing to treat him. “When I called to make appointments, they kept telling me: ‘We don’t treat kids like that here,’” Moehlig said. But she continued making calls, eventually breaking...
Utah’s Legislature has overridden Republican Gov. Spencer Cox’s veto of House Bill 11, which now mandates young transgender athletes can play only for teams based on their sex, not their gender identification. Opponents of this type of legislation said it is another way to discriminate against young transgender people, and...
LANSING, Michigan – Los opositores a la propuesta de prohibición de los deportes trans en Michigan están trabajando para educar a la gente sobre lo que ellos ven como sus peligros. El Proyecto de Ley del Senado 218 prohibiría que los estudiantes trans de secundaria jueguen en equipos asociados...