Across the country, fall is synonymous with the new school year: sharpened pencils, new bento-style lunch boxes and, for many, the return of the iconic yellow school bus. Only this year, millions of students will be transported by yellow school buses that are electric. This change was several years in...
Medi-Cal ha eliminado a varios cientos de miles de niños de bajos ingresos de las listas de seguro médico desde abril de 2023, según un nuevo informe de la Universidad de Georgetown. Los datos muestran una caída neta en la inscripción de 200.000 niños en Medi-Cal entre abril y diciembre del...
Medi-Cal has dropped several hundred thousand low-income children from the health insurance rolls since April 2023, according to a new report from Georgetown University. The data show a net drop in children’s Medi-Cal enrollment of 200,000 kids between April and December of last year, as the state started redetermining participants’ annual...
Adam Echelman CalMatters At 47, Ibrahim Mohamed doesn’t fit the typical image of a college intern. When he arrived in the U.S. from Sudan in 2016, he went online to look for a steady job and decided he wanted to be an electrician at a water treatment facility. A...
Shreya Agrawal CalMatters Decenas de miles de californianos están perdiendo su seguro médico cada mes a medida que el estado reanuda la verificación de la elegibilidad de las personas para Medi-Cal, que suspendió durante la emergencia de salud pública de COVID-19. Se evaluará la elegibilidad de alrededor de 16...
Shreya Agrawal CalMatters Tens of thousands of Californians are losing health insurance every month as the state resumes checking people’s eligibility for Medi-Cal, which it suspended during the COVID-19 public health emergency. About 16 million people in California will be evaluated for eligibility from June 2023 to May 2024....
Over the coming year about 2.3 million Californians, a million of them children, are expected to lose Medi-Cal, which is health insurance coverage for low-income families – as the state redetermines all enrollees’ eligibility after the pandemic. In June alone, 225,000 people were disenrolled from the program, including 64,000...
Maria Luisa Rossel National Wildlife Federation The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act, introduced in the Senate by the legislators Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), will help protect wildlife for future generations. If approved, this historic legislation will serve to recover plant and animal species at risk, and prevent...
Adam Echelman CalMatters Thousands of adult Californians without a high school diploma want to take college classes. Unfortunately, those classes aren’t free, and the lack of a high school diploma cuts off access to most financial aid. The good news is, there’s a fix. The bad news is most...