
  • 5 datos curiosos sobre la margarita original

    Nada dice “verano” como la margarita. Y para el aspirante a mixólogo del cóctel novato, el tiempo extra en casa es perfecto para dominar la Margarita. No hay nada más fácil que sacudir este refrescante cóctel, en su forma original o en una de sus muchas variaciones deliciosas. Aquí...
  • 5 fun facts about The Original Margarita

    Nothing says “summer” quite like The Original Margarita. And for the aspiring mixologist to the cocktail newbie, extra time at home is perfect for mastering The Margarita. There is nothing easier than shaking up this refreshing cocktail, in its original form or in one of its many delightful variations....
  • Mexican tequila being made to resist climate change

    EFE Mexico City – Fine tequila, the symbol of Mexico so popular at parties and friendly get-togethers, is not exempt from the effects of climate change, which is leading scientists to apply their technology to protect the Aztec nation’s signature alcoholic beverage. Miguel Angel Dominguez, chairman of the Tequila...