Carolyn Jones CalMatters In a flurry of recent legislation and initiatives, California officials are pushing school districts to convert their surplus property into housing for teachers, school staff and even students and families. Some districts have already started; now the state wants every district to become a landlord. “I...
La migración es un tema candente estos días, pero las personas que estudian para convertirse en profesores bilingües en una universidad de California están haciendo un esfuerzo para bajar la temperatura. El programa de credenciales bilingües de la Universidad Estatal de San Diego envía a los futuros profesores en un viaje...
Immigration is a hot-button issue these days, but people studying to become bilingual teachers at one California university are making an effort to lower the temperature. San Diego State University’s bilingual credential program sends prospective teachers on a four-day trip to impoverished schools in Tijuana, to help them understand the conditions...
Los demócratas del Comité de Supervisión de la Camara de Representantes afirman que la investigación del GOP sobre si los sindicatos de profesores tuvieron demasiada influencia en el cierre de escuelas tras la pandemia no ha dado resultados. Un portavoz de los demócratas dice que, de hecho, los Centros...
Democrats on the House Oversight Committee say a GOP probe into whether teachers’ unions had too much influence on pandemic school closures has come up empty. A spokesperson for the Democrats says that in fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention consulted a wide range of stakeholders before...
Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, is brushing off calls to investigate the effect its social media platforms have on children’s mental health. Last week shareholders rejected a proposal to hire an independent law firm to evaluate the effectiveness of Meta’s audit and risk oversight committee. The resolution alleges the company...
Joe Hong & Erica Yee A la mitad de un día escolar en febrero, el salón de clases de sexto grado de Theresa Griffin en Stege Elementary está más caótico que de costumbre. En la pizarra blanca, Griffin escribe los nombres de los estudiantes habladores que se quedarán después...
Joe Hong & Erica Yee CalMatters Halfway through a chilly school day in February, Theresa Griffin’s sixth grade classroom at Stege Elementary is more chaotic than usual. On the white board, Griffin writes the names of talkative students who will be staying behind after the lunch bell rings. A...
Megan Tagami CalMatters En una lluviosa tarde de viernes en la Santa Mónica High School, la maestra de estudios étnicos Marisa Silvestri presentó a su clase la canción de rap “Kenji”. Mientras el cantante Mike Shinoda narraba las experiencias de su familia en los campos de encarcelamiento estadounidenses de...