
  • CTA | Oscar Ramos, Teacher on Special Assignment

    Ramos is vice president of Salinas Elementary Teachers Council (SETC). For 27 years, he taught at the same school before taking a special assignment this year to work with historically underserved students in the migrant community....
  • Los educadores advierten sobre la escasez de docentes

    Los defensores de la educación piden a los legisladores que aumenten el financiamiento de programas para combatir la escasez de docentes. El 37 por ciento de las escuelas en todo el país informan que les falta al menos un maestro. El problema es peor en las escuelas que atienden...
  • Educators sound alarm about teacher shortage

    Education advocates are calling on lawmakers to increase funding for programs to combat the teacher shortage. Around 37% of schools nationwide report being short at least one teacher. The problem is worse at schools serving high-poverty neighborhoods where more than half report a vacancy. Susan Kemper Patrick, a senior researcher on...
  • University of Texas El Paso targets teacher shortage

    It’s estimated that nearly half of all schools in the country don’t have enough teachers. To help change that, the University of Texas in El Paso offers a residency program to help ensure that first-time teachers succeed. The “Miner Teacher Residency” gives students in the College of Education an opportunity...
  • Back-to-Schoolers Face Teacher Shortages, Polarization and Learning Gaps

    Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services K-12 students returning to school this month face teacher shortages, pitched battles over curricula, and pandemic-era learning gaps, teachers and education officials explained at an August 18 briefing held by Ethnic Media Services. Teacher Shortages Some 233,000 thousand public school teachers left the profession...
  • Short-term fixes won’t really solve California’s teacher shortage

    Daniel Poulos worked as a custodian for Castro Valley Unified School District for 12 years. He became a familiar face at Redwood High, a school for at-risk youth, where he made sure the classrooms were clean and the lights stayed on. But in 2017, he got the chance to...
  • Teacher well-being is a critical and often overlooked part of school health

    Alexandra Cox, Bonnie Solomon, and Dominique Parris Child Trends   As education stakeholders consider improvements to school climate, school safety, and student well-being, many have turned their attention to the role of schools in promoting mental health. While most of this attention focuses on students’ mental health needs, it...
  • Five Secrets You Should Know Before Becoming A Teacher

    NewsUSA A career in teaching is one of the most demanding and challenging jobs that exist today. For those considering this path, the decision may be fraught with questions, and some not easily answered. That said, if becoming a teacher is the direction you want to take, there are...