Peter White Ethnic Media Services A North Carolina native, Sailor Jones is a longtime organizer and community advocate who for more than two decades has fought for social justice in his state. As a member of the trans community, that fight has now taken on renewed urgency. “This is...
La semana pasada, la Corte Suprema de EE. UU. emitió uno de sus fallos más importantes sobre la ley de armas en más de una década, descartando las restricciones del estado de Nueva York sobre quién puede portar un arma oculta en público. Los activistas por los derechos de...
Last Thursday the U.S. Supreme Court issued one of its most significant gun law rulings in more than a decade, tossing out New York state’s tight restrictions on who can carry a concealed gun in public. Gun rights activists are celebrating the 6-3 decision, while advocates for stricter gun laws...
On Thursday June 23, the U.S. Supreme Court issued one of its most significant gun law rulings in more than a decade, tossing out New York state’s tight restrictions on who can carry a concealed gun in public. Gun rights activists are celebrating the 6-3 decision, while advocates for stricter...
SACRAMENTO, Calif. – La tienda de caja grande Target ha anunciado que eliminará los químicos tóxicos de sus recibos para fin de año. La empresa dejará de utilizar bisfenol S y bisfenol A, que son los que dan una capa brillante al papel térmico, que se utiliza para muchos...
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Big box retailer Target has announced it will eliminate toxic chemicals from its receipts by the end of the year. The company will stop using bisphenol S and bisphenol A, which are what give a shiny coating to thermal paper, used for many airline tickets and...