Khari Johnson CalMatters La Comisión de Servicios Públicos de California rechazó el 20 de junio la solicitud de AT&T para dejar de proporcionar líneas fijas y otros servicios en áreas donde no hay otra opción. Su votación de 4-0 se produjo después de que un juez determinara que la...
Khari Johnson CalMatters California’s Public Utilities Commission on June 20 rejected AT&T’s application to stop providing landlines and other services in areas where there is no other option. Its 4-0 vote came after a judge determined the application by AT&T California was “fatally flawed.” AT&T is the “carrier of...
Yue Stella Yu & Sameea Kamal CalMatters Lisamaría Martínez no está segura de cuándo votó en persona por última vez. Pero recuerda las botas que usó ese día: sus “fabulosas”, nuevas botas azul marino con tacones gruesos, que le provocaron ampollas en su caminata de una milla de largo...
Yue Stella Yu & Sameea Kamal CalMatters Lisamaria Martinez isn’t sure when she last voted in person. But she remembers the boots she wore that day — her “fabulous,” new navy blue boots with chunky heels, which gave her blisters on her mile-long walk back home from the polling...
Over the coming year about 2.3 million Californians, a million of them children, are expected to lose Medi-Cal, which is health insurance coverage for low-income families – as the state redetermines all enrollees’ eligibility after the pandemic. In June alone, 225,000 people were disenrolled from the program, including 64,000...
Joe Hong CalMatters California sends mixed messages when it comes to serving dyslexic students. California Gov. Gavin Newsom is the most famous dyslexic political official in the country, even authoring a children’s book to raise awareness about the learning disability. And yet, California is one of 10 states that doesn’t require...
Maneje casi en cualquier lugar de los campos agrícolas de California y verá formas borrosas en el horizonte, hombres y mujeres que producen la mayoría de los alimentos del país. Aunque reconocidos como trabajadores esenciales, su trabajo los ha expuesto y continúa exponiéndolos a los impactos más severos de...
Drive almost anywhere in the farm fields of California and you will see blurred shapes on the horizon, men and women who produce the majority of the country’s food. Although recognized as essential workers, their work has exposed and continues to expose them to the most severe impacts of...
The nation’s railroad workers say while they have a new contract, they’re still fighting for quality-of-life issues. That was demonstrated at informational gatherings held in Minnesota and other states this week. The regional solidarity rallies in Minneapolis and Duluth surfaced after Congress approved a labor deal for the rail...